How An Educational Therapist Can Help Parents Going Through Divorce

Many couples, whether they stay together or move towards divorce, face a multitude of challenges. Parenting for example is a common stressor that can contribute to a marriage’s success or breakdown. This issue can be compounded when a child has specific learning needs. In such cases, an educational therapist can assist parents by giving their…

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Mediation and Couples Therapy

Colleagues and clients have sometimes asked me if I do mediation. Or if I consider myself a mediator. Early in my post-graduate training in Family Systems and Couples Therapy, I observed the now deceased mediation pioneer, John Haynes, conduct a live interview. I, along with other trainees, watched his mediation meeting behind what is called…

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Couples Therapy: “How Did I Get Here?”

“How did I get here?” is a phrase we often hear at our Center at the beginning of our couples work. It is usually said out loud by one of the partners in front of the therapist. If it is not explicitly stated, it is conveyed. This phrase references a marriage that is buried under…

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Leaning In/Leaning Out In Couples Therapy

Usually in Discernment counseling a couple presents where one of them is “leaning in” and the other is “leaning out.” The former wants the marriage to work and is invested in anything that will help. The latter is ambivalent and somewhere along a continuum of being done with the marriage to considering reconciliation if some…

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Substance Abuse and Discernment Counseling

I’ve decided to write a bit more about Discernment Counseling, specifically another “hard reason for considering divorce:” substance abuse/addiction. To review for a moment, Discernment Counselors refer to hard versus soft reasons for considering divorce; hard reasons are considered the more challenging issues, which often lead to a divorce decision, as opposed to soft ones…

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Discernment and Infidelity

A bit more about my last post on the issue of infidelity and what makes it a “hard reason” for considering divorce” as opposed to a soft one. To catch those readers up on terminology, I am writing about Discernment Counseling and hard versus soft reasons for considering divorce. Hard reasons are considered the more…

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Discernment: Hard v Soft Reasons For Considering Divorce

We see a lot of couples at our Center. Sometimes, though rarely do both partners show up at the 1st appointment ready and interested in working on their relationship. More often, 1 or both are ambivalent, are tired out, and are weighing the high stakes of dismantling the life they have built together. They are…

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Divorce Support Group, Co-Facilitated by CCSC Founders

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial” _builder_version=”3.0.63″] DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP Co-Facilitated by CCSC’s Founders Kimberly Davidson, Esq. Jon Kramer LCSW – Group now forming – Five-session Group for Women, meeting two times per month – Sign up early, space is limited – Cost: $300 per person, paid in…

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S.O.S. Stepcouples Series

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid” _builder_version=”3.0.63″] S.O.S. Stepcouples Series Presented by Susan Swanson, Ph.D., LCSW Group Now Forming. Please call 310-274-2780 for more info, or fill out and submit the below form and someone will contact you.   [/et_pb_text][et_pb_contact_form captcha=”on” email=” ,” title=”Sign up for this CCSC Workshop today!” use_redirect=”off” success_message=”Thank you for…

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